


Our team includes financial professionals, forecasters and data science experts dedicated to long term trading strategies proven to enhance investor’s decisions.

We believe in using a few basic principles of investing that have been proven over time to reward investors.

Hedgehog has proven methods that have outperformed the market and avoid large losses in your portfolio. We’re offering to share our strategy with you for free Subscribe now!

Models are updated at the end of every week. If there are any changes you will be notified via email.

Yes. At this time Hedgehog Investment Research is not authorized to manage client funds as a fiduciary. If you help Hedgehog grow, one day we may manage your money for you

Yes. Our Models are designed to change as the markets change, which has lead them to miss a large majority of every downturn since the Great Depression.

Yes. See our proxy page to select your proper investment ETF or mutual fund.


We utilize a data-driven rules based approach which minimizes the emotion of investing that often leads to underperformance. Read more about our Principles of Investing.

Yes, but you must be a member to see the model’s history. Sign Up for free now!

Each model has its own purpose within your portfolio. To learn more about the intent of each model click here.

We recommend following the Models as closely as possible. We would love for you to be able to track your portfolio with our charting system. However, you are ultimately responsible for you investment decisions and make the final call. We provide you the tools to get there.

It depends on the account you invest through. Talk to your account service provider for more detail.

An ETF, or Exchange Traded Fund, is a marketable security that tracks a stock index, commodity, bonds or basket of assets. ETF’s are different from mutual funds because their shares trade like common stock on an exchange and typically have lower fees than mutual funds.


Access to our strategies can be seen on our pricing page.

Your first week at Hedgehog Investment Research is free! After that your account will automatically roll into a monthly subscription.

Simply login to your account, click on your account setting, go to subscription management and click the cancel button.

No. Currently Hedgehog Investment Research is not authorized to manage client funds as a fiduciary. If you help Hedgehog grow, one day we may manage your money for you.


Yes! We want to talk to you as soon as possible. To get ahold of us, go to our Contact Us page.

We are always looking to expand our available education. If you have a suggestion or have a question please contact us!